Is Your Teen Safe From Using Facebook?

Facebook Established a Safety Centre

Finally, Facebook created a Safety Centre to make sure of the millions users are safety on the line. Key focus for this Safety Center is structured into four security issues: Safety for Educator, Safety for Law Enforcers, Safety for Parents and Safety for Teens.

The newly redesigned Safety Centre which launched Tuesday, primarily concern is internet security to constantly help the users to find the answer to safety question in minutes. Privacy Settings are simple to-do as how to block users, discard unwanted content from profile page and incognito report abusive and offensive behaviour.

"I believe that it is essential to strive users networking safety and quality improvement program, since internet users are vulnerable to a lot of abusive behaviour, of course we always hope our teen would not be a victim of any cyber bulled and this newly redesigned Safety Centre on Facebook is a valuable tool to assume that our teens are not at risk”.

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