My question is, "Do you have a blog?" Next, I want to know, "How do you market your blog?" Wella, Of course if people doesn't know about your website, the relevant question of "How" will still remain. That's why promoting and marketing your website is very important, both online and offline to make website visible in the places you target. Mom Online Entrepreneur have some suggestions, very simple ideas that maybe other hasn't thought of.
Get involved in the largest social networks, join forums and have at least one blog. Create a video, take time to respond to questions or problems or start a discussion. Like for example, when someone requested to add on your Facebook group, go..go.. for it, the word spreads virally through that person's and will continue to grow, people enjoy joining groups to meet people, buy products or services based on their friends' recommendations.
Another thing I highly encouraged you to set up a Google Alert for your blog. You will be notified immediately when someone blogs about you, your company or your products via e-mail or RSS (feed). A good way for further interactive communication.
Lastly, set up a profile page on Facebook. When you encounter requesting for information about anything you wish to respond, share them what they’re asking. And above all, the process is free; simply will not have much of your time to do this.
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