Are You Ready to Blog?

Are you ready to spread your wings? I know most of small business entrepreneurs want to start a cost effective and free to spread their business.  One of the best way I've learned is through Blogging.  It's a popular approach to start introducing your business, people will learn from your blog and it can drive traffic, and a surefire that you can get more potential clients.

Well, honestly I am the last mom and online entrepreneur to start blogging. Blog has been a word of mouth and I don't want  totally missed the boat.  Before, I've got a lot of questions about Blog.  I am just a reader not a writer, everyday I discovered blogs are becoming famous, now I am one of the millions who get started and continuously growing as online entrepreneur blogger.  When I learned the basics, I would say I find it a perfect tool to reach out a big audience.  I spend my free time on the internet, earning from the comfort of my home and there rest I got from my friends online support.

When I start blogging, I learned the different platforms to choose from: -

1.  Wordpress.com
2.  Blogger.com
3.  Blog.com
4.  Vox.com
5.  MoveableType.com

To be one, and start blogging is very simple and easy,  here are the steps:
  •  Choose your blogging provided above.
  •  Be creative, personalize your blog by using their templates and images.
  •  Write what's on your mind.
  •  When you publish your blog, put the URL on your site.
  •  Update your blog regularly.  People are very enthusiastic about  informative and latest articles.
As mom online entrepreneur, my blog helps me to reach out a wide audience and join forums in the same position. In addition of spreading my wings is to post on other blogs too.  In this way, I get my blog link online, and this helps me increase my search engine ranking. You can do the same way, find personal and business blogs where it will be relevant to share your business.

Another tip is to visit Entrepreneur.com.  They share a lot of marketing tool information about starting your blog.  Everything has been figured out here, ready for you to jump on the bandwagon, see you all there!!!

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