The Power of Blogging

6 Blogging Tips

Everywhere we turned to, internet gets bigger and bigger from its simple of generating traffic to outlandish strategies of social networking and search engine optimization, paid advertising and a lot more marketing ideas. It’s no big secret that I’ve written more about blogging which often I referred as dollars. So, it’s not a big surprise that I’m often asked, “how” I made it. Let me give you a very simple answer: - Blogging is a surefire to create and connect the road to your targeted customers. Blogging is the basic and surest way to be successful for all beginners.

I happened to be reading an article recently, I want to share with you the “6 Blogging Tips” by John Rognerud , a recognized authority on the subject of search engine optimization and has spent more than 15 years developing websites and marketing solutions at companies like Overture and Yahoo!. His website, www.microsaw.com, provides a wealth of informative articles, resources and complimentary e-mail courses on everything you'll ever need to know about SEO and search marketing.

1.The Power of Blogging
Start building your own informative and credible blog. There’s a lot of trusted hosting partner to choose from like GoDaddy.com, it’s an effortless to set up. Fuel your blogs with unique key words, TypePad.com and the MovableType blog system sets free services. In Google platform, Blogger.com and Yahoo share its free services too.

2.Post an article at least once a week for a start and updates regularly. Tags and categories are important that constitutes the search engines what your article is about. If you wish to copy other content include the author bio box, if not, Google may block you for duplication of content.

3.Manage RSS feeds. RSS is certainly the easiest to tracked and managed XML-based file structure, compatible web-systems to read your data. Sign an account with Technorati. The simplest FeedBurner.com and OnlyWire.com help distribute your content, others are PingOMatic.com , Pingoat.com and Pingler.com which alert systems that you’ve blog a new post.

4.Share and Promote your Blog. Make good and competitive keywords so when people search for within your niche. Join forums and visit other blogs and exchange ideas and links. There’s a lot of social networking like Digg.com del.icio.us, reddit.com and MySpace.com

5.Leverage podcast and videos.
Stream video into your visitors home, format MP3 for listening while visiting your blog. Podcast are one simple way to personalize your site. Create a unique and stylish presentation and readers will enjoy to keep coming back to read your content..

6.Optimize your WordPress blog. Create a professional looking blog; it should be optimized for users, search engines and income. Add a form to capture names and e-mails to build your e-mail list.

John Rognerud adds: -

As I mentioned earlier, WordPress has a number of powerful plugins to consider. Here are some to start with:

Google Analytics--tracks everything on all pages
Chicklets--an array of social media tags for your users, including RSS reader icons
AdSense Deluxe--for publishing ads on your site
Google Sitemap Generator for WordPress--creates a sitemap for your site
Akismet spam filtering--filters link spam from blog comments; requires WordPress API key
SEO Title Tag--easy optimization of title tags across your WordPress blog
Ultimate Tag Warrior--incorporates the tag name into title pages on tagged pages
Podpress--everything you need for podcasting

More plugins are available at the WordPress plugin directory.
After you're set up, follow the basic rules for long-term success:

•Do not use Black Hat SEO--unethical techniques--to stuff keywords and duplicate content in your blogs.
•Provide value through quality content. If you're selling something, don't be pushy. Try to provide educational and constructive comments on products, services and competitors.
•Use the chicklets you see on many blogs, including a big button for your RSS feed, so visitors and search engines can easily get to your data.
•Place strategic AdSense components to generate money for yourself, while still providing value.

Don't feel bad; big companies do it, including news outlets like CNN. Match the text and color with the layout of your site. Over time, you may get a check from Google.